Educational systems are among the most complex systems in a society. Although ambitiously conceived, the e-Schools project does not aspire to resolve all problems and satisfy all needs of a system as complex as that. Quite the contrary, in order for e-Schools to achieve the objectives envisaged by the project, joint measures by different projects and initiatives are necessary.
The creation of digitally mature schools will therefore depend on the quality of work with teachers in all segments of their activity, from their initial education, through on-the-job professional training, to personal support which the teachers receive at school, in the local community and from state authorities. It will also depend on the support of the local self-government – those self-governments which recognise the importance of such projects will be able to implement them better and make long-term use of their possible effects.
It is especially important to coordinate e-Schools with other important educational initiatives, such as the preparation of new curricula, which will be setting the time frame for the creation of digital educational resources, and teacher licensing (announced), which should include the evaluation of teachers’ work with new technologies.
Apart from the large national and the strategic local initiatives, institutional, as well as individual, initiatives are of great significance for the success of e-Schools. The synergy between e-Schools and individual school projects, which have access to the financial programmes Erasmus+ and Horizon2020, can yield an exceptionally high added value for particular schools, their teachers and students, and, consequently, for parents and the wider community. CARNet will not be able to participate in all individual EU projects, but it can support some key projects even with its existing services, so feel free to let us know about your plans.