The main objective of this segment of the project is to ensure all the infrastructural prerequisites for the realisation of the pilot project, which includes:
- the establishment of adequate data centres,
- the expansion of the CARNet network,
- the establishment of an adequate school infrastructure, including the equipping of classrooms and staff,
- the establishment of a network of Regional Training Centres (ROC).
With the aim of ensuring high-level reliability and quality of access to services, as well as sufficient capacity, for all the beneficiaries, the upgrade of the key components of two data centres is also planned. By the end of the pilot project, the data centres will host the services developed during the project and provide new highly reliable and more easily maintainable systems for the existing services.
Through the expansion of the CARNet network for the purpose of including the school network, it is necessary to increase the capacities of the network hubs for the inclusion, aggregation and integration of schools, along with the provision of necessary network services. It is necessary to enable advanced network services, through which adequate school integration will be realised.
The use of the established services and prepared material in a school is not possible without an adequate sub-system of ICT school infrastructure, which will include the development of a local network, the equipping of classrooms with ICT equipment and the equipping of the teachers and administration staff.
Part of the development of local computer networks for 150 schools within the pilot project is also the plan to develop, depending on the model, a wired and/or wireless network infrastructure, along with the corresponding active network equipment.
Schools within the pilot project will also be equipped with two different types of classrooms, a presentation one – equipped with a PC computer, a touch screen monitor and loudspeakers – and an interactive one, which will include 30 tablets, along with the presentation equipment.
Equipment for the teaching and non-teaching staff is planned for all schools, according to different models of equipping. The science (mathematics, chemistry, physics and biology) teachers will get hybrid computers, the rest of the teaching staff will get tablets or laptop computers, while the principals and expert assistants are planned to be equipped with laptop computers.
For the purposes of carrying out the systematic education of the project participants, 5 Regional Training Centres (ROCs) will be established and adequately equipped for educational activities (with tablets, laptop computers, touch screen monitors, videoconferencing equipment…).