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Questions and Answers

What is the digital maturity of schools?

The digital maturity of schools is a concept of the strategic use of information and communication technologies in schools, which is planned and implemented at the level of the school as an organisation, in accordance with local and state policies. The European Commission has recognised the importance of this concept and, through its policies and initiatives, systematically encourages the development of the digital maturity of schools. Through activities within the e-Schools programme, the digital maturity of schools is systematically developed and their progress is monitored.

What is the Framework for the Digital Maturity of Schools?
The Framework for the Digital Maturity of Schools is a document which defines the areas and levels of the digital maturity of schools. It is being developed as part of the e-Schools pilot project and is coordinated with the DigCompOrg European framework which is applicable to all educational institutions.
What does the Framework for the Digital Maturity of Schools consist of?

The Framework for the Digital Maturity of Schools consists of five areas and five levels of maturity:

Digitally unaware Digital beginners Digitally competent Digitally advanced Digitally mature
Leadership, planning and management
ICT in learning and teaching
Development of digital competences
ICT culture
ICT infrastructure
What are the characteristics of digitally mature schools?

As defined in the e-Schools programme, digitally mature schools are schools on a high level of integration of ICT in their life and work. Digitally mature schools have a systematised approach to ICT use in school planning and management, as well as in their educational and business processes. Such schools operate in a supportive environment, with adequate resources, including not only the financial ones, but also adequate ICT equipment for classrooms, laboratories, teachers and students. Digitally mature schools systematically approach the development of the digital competences of the educational staff and students, whereas the former use ICT for improving their teaching styles, through which the teaching focuses on the students, for the development of digital educational content and for evaluating the students’ achievements, in accordance with the learning outcomes and educational objectives.  There is a developed cooperation between the staff and the students, as well as between the school and other stakeholders, realised through the use of online communication tools and e-services, which includes the participation of the school in projects related to the use of ICT.

What is the self-evaluation of the digital maturity of schools and how is it performed?

The self-evaluation of the digital maturity of schools is procedure which a school’s representatives perform for the purpose of evaluating the digital maturity of the school, in the form of an online questionnaire. Through self-evaluation, the school will obtain feedback on the current status of its digital maturity and instructions on the potential steps which may be taken to develop digital maturity.

How to perform the self-evaluation of the digital maturity of schools?
Self-evaluation is performed via an online questionnaire which consists of several question groups. The basis for the development of the questionnaire is the Framework for the Digital Maturity of Schools and the names of the question groups are identical to the names of the areas of digital maturity defined in the Framework. The self-evaluation questionnaire is available at the following link:
How many times may the self-evaluation questionnaire be filled out?
During the pilot project, each school will perform the initial and final self-evaluation of the digital maturity of schools.  At present, each school may submit the fully completed questionnaire only once, in order to enable to collection of data on the initial status of the digital maturity of the included schools.
Who can see the data and results of the self-evaluation? 
The answers of a specific school will at no time be available to third persons or the public, except as part of processed, group items relating to all schools collectively. Principals or other staff members will in no way be evaluated by CARNet.
What is the external evaluation of the digital maturity of schools?

The external evaluation of the digital maturity of schools is a process designed to enable the schools to receive formal recognition indicating the level of their digital maturity. Further information about the process of external evaluation will be published later.