Mobilni izbornik Tražilica

The Digital Competence Framework

CARNET is present a document that defines a set of competences needed to perform certain key tasks by using digital technologies and resources at a particular workplace at school.

The Digital Competence Framework developed within the e-School project is intended primarily for the three groups of users in schools:

  1. Teachers and Expert Associates*,
  2. Principals,
  3. Administrative staff.

The framework proposes 36 competences, and consists of three dimensions according to the specific requirements of the key business of the mentioned groups of users.

Dimensions are as follows:

  1. General digital competences – required from all user groups (teachers and expert associates, principals, administrative staff),
  2. Competences for the application of digital technology in education and training – required from teachers and expert associates,
  3. Digital competences for school management – required from school principals.

The purpose of the framework is the following:

  • Within e-School pilot project – The Digital Competence Framework is the foundation for the development and implementation of an educational program aimed at improving the digital competence of all groups of users in schools. First, it was necessary to define what knowledge, skills and attitudes users in schools need to acquire to enhance the level of their digital competence, and on that basis develop content and implement an educational program for the development of digital competences. In order for users to choose exactly the content they need and to monitor the development of their own digital competences, a tool for the assessment and self-assessment of digital competencies is being developed.
  • For users in schools, institutions providing support for the educational system and other stakeholders in the educational system (Ministry of science and education, agencies, local government, parents, etc.) – to provide an overview of the digital competences required for the application of digital technologies and resources within a given workplace in the school, and thus provideing important information for policy development and initiatives aimed at strengthening digital user competences in schools.

Handbook on the Use of the Digital Competence Framework

In addition to the Framework, a Handbook for its use has been developed, which describes the purpose of the Digital Competence Framework and the Manual itself, describing the Framework Methodology, the dimensions and areas of digital competence proposed by the Framework, the method of defining the level of complexity of competences as well as the method of identifying competences in the Framework and in the Handbook.

The highest value of the Handbook are the descriptive situational examples of demonstration of digital competencies in certain types of tasks in each user group, for all three levels of individual competences (initial, intermediate and advanced). In this way, users can much more easily link individual competences with the tasks they perform in their daily work, which contributes to a more self-assessed level of individual competence and assessing the need for further development of individual competences.


* Includes those employees who work with students but do not teach; for instance, school librarians, school psychologists, school pedagogues, and special educational needs professionals.